Capitalism and all forms of socialism are no different from slavery.

The left should have an answer to this. It doesn’t. This is working-class life under capitalism and all forms of socialism — slavery.

The left is powerless because it treats workplaces as black boxes. It pays no attention to internal workplace structure. It does this in no small part because the left itself is a collection of small businesses with its own internal workplace structure — structure identical to that found in any corporation.

(Corporate) drones aren’t free. The left has no ability to care less about this than it does. Nature abhors a vacuum; therefore, the right ascends while the left is non-existent. Any putative lefty whining about Trump should look in a mirror.

By the way, overall, I like Wolf Richter. He’s one of the few finance people who isn’t totally heartless. But here, he’s just holding a mirror up to how capitalists and coordinators think.